Effective January 1st, our office will return to hours of 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday to meet our clients' needs during the 2025 filing season.

See updated hours here!

Entity Type Analysis

Offering a robust line of products to meet your personal and business needs

Start with a strong foundation

entity type analysis

Every business must fall under an entity type. And the structure you choose directly impacts many areas of a business, including business size and operations, taxes paid, how profits are shared, your degree of ownership, and your legal liability. Let us help you start with a strong foundation by identifying the entity structure that is right for your business. We’ll even handle state and federal form preparation.

  • Assurance—Our expert team will help you select the right entity structure for your situation…rest assured.
  • Tax savings—When you are set up under the right entity type from the start, it helps ensure against overpaying taxes and even double taxation.
  • Education—We take the time to educate you on multiple entity types and walk you through how each will affect your business.